Road Cycling Kalamata

KalamataRoad cycling

Road cycling facts

Road cycling routes in and around Kalamata

approx. 40

Best time to travel

March to June or September/October

Flight connections

Edelweiss tip:

Not so long ago, road cyclists in southern Greece were a pretty rare sight. That changed when Hürzeler Bicycle Holidays opened a cycling centre with bicycle rentals, bicycle storage, a washing station and a boutique on the grounds of the Westin Resort in Costa Navarino.

Huerzeler in Costa Navarino

Top road cycling routes around Kalamata

Circular route for cycling pleasure Medium

This lovely route starts in Costa Navarino and passes through villages and across vineyards, offering breathtaking views of the coastline, islands and the bay of Navarino. Cyclists will definitely want to stop in Pylos, enjoy a coffee at the harbour or, if time allows, enjoy some sightseeing at the historic Pylos Castly, the ancient aqueduct and the Battle of Navarino memorial site. A treat for nature fans is a detour to Gialova Lagoon where migratory birds make their final stop during their autumn migration, before flying to Africa.

  • Length of tour 3 h
  • Distance 61 km
  • Ascent 890 m
  • Descent -890 m

Cycling along the wine route Difficult

The cycling tour from the coast to the vineyards of Mouzaki is at its best during the grape harvesting season in September and October. The village lies 450 m above sea level, at the foot of Mount Aigaleo. Cyclists who want to add some culture and culinary indulgence to their tour can book a wine master class or help with wine grape harvesting. As this is likely to include some wine tasting, an overnight stay at a hotel in the village is recommended.

  • Length of tour 3 h 46 min
  • Distance 75,5 km
  • Ascent 980 m
  • Descent -980 m

From Kalamata through the Taygetus Mountains to Sparta Difficult

The Taygetus mountain range, with its highly demanding winding roads, is a cyclist’s dream. The famous Langada Pass starts in Kalamata and meanders its way up to the ruins of the abandoned Byzantine city of Mystras, which is located on the steep slopes of the Taygetus Mountains and features numerous monasteries. The route continues on to legendary Sparta, where you can admire the ancient Acropolis and the archaeological site of Menelaion, which was built in honour of Menelaus and Helen, the King and Queen of Sparta.

  • Length of tour 7 h 06 min
  • Distance 110 km
  • Ascent 2`860 m
  • Descent - 2`860 m

Cycling across the middle finger Medium

The shape of the Peloponnese resembles a hand with a thumb and three fingers. The middle finger is the most attractive one for cyclists and is characterised by high mountains around the 2,405 m peak of Profitis Ilias (Taygetus mountain range). The road heading south passes through picturesque villages, across mountain ridges and along sections of coast. On reaching Aeropoli, a detour to the nearby caves of Pyrgos Dirou is recommended. The turquoise caves can be explored on a punt. The onward route to the town of Gythio, on the east side of the ‘finger’, takes cyclists through the Deep Mani, a stark and barren region with a rugged coastline.

  • Length of tour 5 h 45 min
  • Distance 114 km
  • Ascent 1’790 m
  • Descent -1’740 m

(Almost) entirely along the coast Difficult

and archaeological sites, but mostly because of its coastline featuring stunning beaches and beautiful bathing coves. This is a truly divine route to cycle along. The route takes cyclists from Kalamata via small coastal roads, through olive and orange groves, to the fishing village of Agios Andreas. Next, it is on to Koroni with its impressive Venetian-style fortress built during the Byzantine period. The tour continues over hills and through mountain villages to Finikounda with its long sandy beach, and then onwards along the coastal road to Methoni and, finally, to Pylos.

  • Length of tour 6 h 27 min
  • Distance 140 km
  • Ascent 1’590 m
  • Descent -1’590 m

A journey steeped in history Difficult

Cyclists eager to combine a demanding cycling tour with cultural highlights won’t want to miss the region’s most important archaeological site: Ancient Messene. After the Theban victory over the Spartans, Ancient Messene became the capital of the new country Messene. Situated on the saddle between Mount Ithome and Mount Eva, near the Ionian Sea, the site is a gem for cyclists.

  • Length of tour 5 h 55 min
  • Distance 120 km
  • Ascent 1’780 m
  • Descent -1’780 m

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Kalamata, Greece
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