Valid for all flights

In principle, our website displays the cheapest fare for a flight in the respective class of service. Our tariffs are available on flights with a WK flight number.

The maximum length of stay is 12 months; within the published flight schedule of Edelweiss. Except special fares.

If, when you change your ticket, only a higher fare family is available (Economy, Economy Flex, Business, Business Flex), the conditions of the originally booked fare family will apply.

If you have booked a ticket with two different fare families, in the event of a refund the more restrictive of the two rulings will be applied to the entire ticket.

If you want to change a flight, then the conditions of the fare family booked for this specific flight will apply.

Fare conditions short-haul

Below you will find a list of the fare conditions for travelling to one of our short-haul destinations. Your booking date is relevant for the respective tariff conditions.

 Economy SaverEconomy / BusinessEconomy Flex / Business Flex
Baggage allowance1 x 23 kg1 x 23 kg / 2 x 32 kg1 x 23 kg / 2 x 32 kg
Hand baggage1 x 8 kg1 x 8 kg / 2 x 8 kg1 x 8 kg / 2 x 8 kg
Advance seat selection *for a feefor a fee / free of chargefor a fee / free of charge
Rebooking before commencement of travelfor a fee of CHF 80 / EUR 70 / USD 80 / CAD 100 / GBP 70 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)for a fee of CHF 80 / EUR 70 / USD 80 / CAD 100 / GBP 70 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)free of charge (plus taxes and fare difference)
Rebooking after commencement of travelfor a fee of CHF 80 / EUR 70 / USD 80 / CAD 100 / GBP 70 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)for a fee of CHF 80 / EUR 70 / USD 80 / CAD 100 / GBP 70 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)free of charge (plus taxes and fare difference)
Cancellation / Refund before commencement of travelnot allowedfor a fee of CHF 80 / EUR 70 / USD 80 / CAD 100 / GBP 70 (possible subject to chosen return flight rate)free of charge
Cancellation / Refund after commencement of travelnot allowednot allowednot allowed
No-Shownot allowednot allowednot allowed
Reroutingnot allowednot allowednot allowed
Name changenot allowednot allowednot allowed

Prices and availability are subject to change without notice. Prices apply per person. Please note that service fees and credit card charges are not refundable.

Does not apply for codeshare flights or flight itineraries combined with other airlines and tickets without a check-in baggage allowance (Light Fares).

The amounts in the table are for reference purposes: in CHF for Switzerland, in Euros for all European countries without Switzerland.

* Seats for special-category passengers will remain free of charge according to their requirements.
Passengers who booked their flight on please contact the Service Center:
Switzerland +41848333593 or
All other guests secure their free seat reservation through their booking office.


 Economy SaverEconomy / BusinessEconomy Flex / Business Flex
Baggage allowance1 x 23 kg1 x 23 kg / 2 x 32 kg1 x 23 kg / 2 x 32 kg
Hand baggage1 x 8 kg1 x 8 kg / 2 x 8 kg1 x 8 kg / 2 x 8 kg
Advance seat selection *for a feefor a fee / free of chargefor a fee / free of charge
Rebooking before commencement of travelfor a fee of CHF 60 / EUR 60 / USD 65 / CAD 90 / GBP 52 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)for a fee of CHF 60 / EUR 60 / USD 65 / CAD 90 / GBP 52 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)free of charge (plus taxes and fare difference)
Rebooking after commencement of travelfor a fee of CHF 60 / EUR 60 / USD 65 / CAD 90 / GBP 52 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)for a fee of CHF 60 / EUR 60 / USD 65 / CAD 90 / GBP 52 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)free of charge (plus taxes and fare difference)
Cancellation / Refund before commencement of travelnot allowedfor a fee of CHF 80 / EUR 80 / USD 90 / CAD 120 / GBP 70 (possible subject to chosen return flight rate)free of charge
Cancellation / Refund after commencement of travelnot allowednot allowednot allowed
No-Shownot allowednot allowednot allowed
Reroutingnot allowednot allowednot allowed
Name changenot allowednot allowednot allowed

Prices and availability are subject to change without notice. Prices apply per person. Please note that service fees and credit card charges are not refundable.

Does not apply for codeshare flights or flight itineraries combined with other airlines and tickets without a check-in baggage allowance (Light Fares).

The amounts in the table are for reference purposes: in CHF for Switzerland, in Euros for all European countries without Switzerland.

* Seats for special-category passengers will remain free of charge according to their requirements.
Passengers who booked their flight on please contact the Service Center:
Switzerland +41848333593 or
All other guests secure their free seat reservation through their booking office.


Fare conditions long-haul

Below you will find a list of the fare conditions for travelling to one of our long-haul destinations. Your booking date is relevant for the respective tariff conditions.

 Economy SaverEconomy / BusinessEconomy Flex / Business Flex
Baggage allowance1 x 23 kg1 x 23 kg / 2 x 32 kg1 x 23 kg / 2 x 32 kg
Hand baggage1 x 8 kg1 x 8 kg / 2 x 8 kg1 x 8 kg / 2 x 8 kg
Advance seat selection *for a feefor a fee / free of chargefor a fee / free of charge
Rebooking before commencement of travelfor a fee of CHF 250 / EUR 200 / USD 200 / CAD 300 / GBP 200 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)for a fee

Economy Class:
CHF 200 / EUR 150 / USD 150 / CAD 200 / GBP 150 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)

Business Class:
CHF 310 / EUR 250 / USD 340 / CAD 500 / GBP 250 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)
free of charge (plus taxes and fare difference)
Rebooking after commencement of travelfor a fee of CHF 200 / EUR 210 / USD 220 / CAD 300 / GBP 180 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)for a fee

Economy Class:
CHF 200 / EUR 150 / USD 150 / CAD 200 / GBP 150 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)

Business Class:
CHF 310 / EUR 250 / USD 340 / CAD 500 / GBP 250 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)
free of charge (plus taxes and fare difference)
Cancellation / Refund before commencement of travelnot allowed

for a fee

Economy Class:
CHF 260 / EUR 200 / USD 240 / CAD 300 / GBP 200

Business Class:

CHF 310 / EUR 250 / USD 340 / CAD 500 / GBP 250

(possible subject to chosen return flight rate)

free of 
Cancellation / Refund after commencement of travelnot allowednot allowednot allowed
No-Shownot allowednot allowednot allowed
Reroutingnot allowednot allowednot allowed
Name changenot allowednot allowednot allowed

chargePrices and availability are subject to change without notice. Prices apply per person. Please note that service fees and credit card charges are not refundable.

Does not apply for codeshare flights or flight itineraries combined with other airlines and tickets without a check-in baggage allowance (Light Fares).

* Seats for special-category passengers will remain free of charge according to their requirements.
Passengers who booked their flight on please contact the Service Center:
Switzerland +41848333593 or
All other guests secure their free seat reservation through their booking office.

 Economy SaverEconomy / BusinessEconomy Flex / Business Flex
Baggage allowance1 x 23 kg1 x 23 kg / 2 x 32 kg1 x 23 kg / 2 x 32 kg
Hand baggage1 x 8 kg1 x 8 kg / 2 x 8 kg1 x 8 kg / 2 x 8 kg
Advance seat selection *for a feefor a fee / free of chargefor a fee / free of charge
Rebooking before commencement of travelfor a fee of CHF 200 / EUR 210 / USD 220 / CAD 300 / GBP 180 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)for a fee

Economy Class:
CHF 170 / EUR 175 / USD 190 / CAD 255 / GBP 155 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)

Business Class:
CHF 210 / EUR 220 / USD 230 / CAD 320 / GBP 190 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)
free of charge (plus taxes and fare difference)
Rebooking after commencement of travelfor a fee of CHF 200 / EUR 210 / USD 220 / CAD 300 / GBP 180 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)for a fee

Economy Class:
CHF 170 / EUR 175 / USD 190 / CAD 255 / GBP 155 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)

Business Class:
CHF 210 / EUR 220 / USD 230 / CAD 320 / GBP 190 per passenger (plus taxes and fare difference)
free of charge (plus taxes and fare difference)
Cancellation / Refund before commencement of travelnot allowed

for a fee

Economy Class:
CHF 260 / EUR 270 / USD 290 / CAD 395 / GBP 235

Business Class:
CHF 310 / EUR 325 / USD 340 / CAD 470 / GBP 280

(possible subject to chosen return flight rate)

free of 
Cancellation / Refund after commencement of travelnot allowednot allowednot allowed
No-Shownot allowednot allowednot allowed
Reroutingnot allowednot allowednot allowed
Name changenot allowednot allowednot allowed

chargePrices and availability are subject to change without notice. Prices apply per person. Please note that service fees and credit card charges are not refundable.

Does not apply for codeshare flights or flight itineraries combined with other airlines and tickets without a check-in baggage allowance (Light Fares).

* Seats for special-category passengers will remain free of charge according to their requirements.
Passengers who booked their flight on please contact the Service Center:
Switzerland +41848333593 or
All other guests secure their free seat reservation through their booking office.