Questions and answers
Possible answers for: electronic devices
Can mobile phones be used during a flight?
Except for voice communication, you may use your mobile phone during the entire flight provided your phone has a flight/airplane mode and the flight/airplane mode is switched on.
Can laptops be used during a flight?
Laptops may be used during the flight, provided the flight/airplane mode is switched on. However, all laptops must be switched off during take-off and landing.
Can a radio be switched on during a flight?
No, radios may not be used during a flight.
Can I use the VR glasses during the flight?
Yes, the use of VR goggles is permitted in flight mode during the flight, but not during taxiing, take-off, landing or turbulence.
During taxiing on the ground, take-off, landing and turbulence, the device must be securely stowed in a bag, in the overhead compartment or held in the hand. In addition, the aisle must not be blocked by accessories such as headphones during the entire flight.
VR glasses may only be worn and used in the air after the seatbelt sign has gone out - and only when seated with the seatbelt fastened.